No time for hair cut

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I don't really know what to say

except that I'm fighting my overweight again...

try to win, but state of mind not really good so .... loss of weight not good either...


I want to lose! for once...

Should I say I wanna win?

Anyways I'll be a winner yep or maybe a loser....

depends on wich side you are....

HAppy to lose so you'll be a loser

You'd win a fight you'll be a winner

I can be both this time...

Anyway I just want to be me, I would like to have my house to decorate it as I wish...

I already found my sofa and the cushion for it.

And I can't wait to find my house!

I sould say Our house...

oh you know what! I also found a really nice livingroom table :o)

but I can't buy anything till we get the house...



Hop a pic of the Bchou's

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