I'm not feeling ok

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hi you people reading me,

Sorry for not coming more often but lately I've been feeling very down...( and I'm still...)
I feel like I'm a bit lost in the middle of nowhere.
I feel a bit useless and some people juste make me feel like so...

I'm not even considered as part of this family... he told me that yesterday...
I'm not sure I'm gonna be ok this time.

I feel a bit confused about the place I had ( if I ever had a place...), now it's just like I don't even exist anymore.
Just like I never been there.

I think I should leave for a while, but I'm not sure.
My life doesn't have any sense anymore...
Maybe I just need to be alone, I don't know

I saw things that showed me I don't exist... things I probably won't forget
I heard really cruel things , he told me those.

Today I tried to be nice by proposing things and when I was about to do What I proposed I realized it wasn't my place.
It hitted me, I don't feel at ease anymore with that...

I'm just like a free electro, an optional solution , a roten member to get rid of.

Anyway... I go back to work....

See ya folks

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